Plano Theft Attorney

Plano Theft Attorney

If facing an allegation of theft, then the possible consequences and penalties will vary depending on several factors. One of which is the type of theft crime you have been accused of committing, the value of property that was taken, and personal factors such as if this is your first offense, and your previous criminal record. The crime of theft is defined as taking away another person’s property without having their permission; it is also a theft to receive items that you know to have been stolen. Theft can be a misdemeanour or an offence depending on these factors, theft crimes are further classified into petty or grand theft.

Any criminal charges can have a significant effect on your life should you be found guilty. You will have a permanent criminal record that will detail the crime and this will be accessible to potential employers or business partners. The prosecuting attorney, with the backup of law enforcement officials, will be desperate to conflict you, you need the protection of an experienced and aggressive criminal lawyer with trial experience to help preserve your liberty and lifestyle. If you are in Plano or Collin County, call The Goolsby Law Firm, attorney Mike Goolsby is a former trial lawyer for the District Attorneys office and has experience of both defendant and plaintiff sides of criminal law. He has inside knowledge of exactly how the criminal court system in Plano works, and will put this knowledge to work for you.

There are several potential legal penalties you will face if convicted of theft. You could be facing time in jail, probation, community service, and large fines. You may also be required to pay restitution to the victim for the property you took, and face legal fees. Life as a convicted criminal will affect you for a long time, your ability to hold employment, rent property, own certain commercial licenses, own a gun, as well as this your reputation will be damaged. A felony conviction may lead to deportation if you are not a US citizen or refusal of citizenship if that was your goal.

Whenever you are questioned by the police, you have the right to have an attorney present, attorney Mike Goolsby has vast experience in dealing with these types of situation, do not put your life and liberty in the hands of an overworked public defender or an inexperienced attorney, an experienced lawyer can mean the difference between misdemeanor, felony, or whether charges are dismissed. If convicted a knowledgeable attorney can use several measures to try to keep you out of jail, and work out a sensible time-frame to pay damages to the victim.

Legal implications of a theft accusation should not be taken lightly, and may significantly damage your life, and freedom. Call The Goolsby Law Firm  for a free consultation with a Plano theft lawyer, we can answer any questions you may have over the phone or in our office, you can be assured that we will explore every avenue to successfully defend you, we fully believe you are innocent until proven guilty, and discretion is always assured.

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