Plano Non-Disclosure Attorney

Plano Non-Disclosure Attorney

Any criminal charge against you will appear in your record. This is not a good for you if you still want to pursue a higher degree of education or career. It can be used against you even if you are cleared already of all charges in the past. If you are facing this problem, you can seek for the legal assistance of a lawyer who is skilled in handling non-disclosure case.

The Goolsby Law Firm  have the experienced lawyers who are Skilled in non-disclosure cases. For the past eleven years of serving the legal needs of Collin County residents, we have established our name and reputation with Attorney Mike Goolsby in the lead. All his fellow associates in the firm are highly trained to handle different criminal defense cases.

What is Non-disclosure?

Non-disclosure is a legal process of sealing all records of criminal charges filed against you in the past. Once you are granted with an order of non-disclosure, the public cannot access these files at all, and it includes your prospective school or future employer. The Order of Non-Disclosure gives you the privilege to deny your charges and arrest. The filing of motion for non-disclosure usually takes about 30 days.

Who can file motion for Non-disclosure?

If you committed only a felony or misdemeanor offense in the past, you may be entitled to file an Order of Non-disclosure.

Criminal charges like illegal possession of firearms, assault, indecent exposure, and other more serious crimes will take between two to  five years before all records can be sealed.

What can you benefit from an Order of Non-disclosure?

  • Better opportunities can come on your way now that your criminal records are sealed
  • If you are planning to enter politics or any kind of public office, your reputation is clean. You will not have to fear that you old records may tarnish your credibility as a person
  • All other offenses and crime that you might commit will be considered as first offense in your record since all your old records are already sealed
  • Having a clean record is an advantage in applying for government and professional licenses
  • If you are student or you are still planning to pursue higher degree of education, you can easily apply in scholarship funding available. Funding agencies usually look for records of their applicant scholars as part of the evaluation

If you are considering obtaining a non-disclosure in the Plano area, call us at The Goolsby Law Firm . We have dealt with countless cases of non-disclosure wherein our clients were granted their Orders of Non-disclosure. We provide free legal consultation. Contact our office now and set an appointment with one of our qualified lawyers to discuss your case and help you file your petition for non-disclosure.

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