Plano DWI Lawyer

Plano DWI Lawyer

A charge of driving while intoxicated DWI (also occasionally known as driving under the influence or DUI) is very serious. Even a first offense can have a serious effect on your life. As well is this, with the zero tolerance approach of law enforcement officers, more and more innocent individuals, and sensible drinkers, are wrongly charged with DWI each day.

If you are stopped and charged with driving while intoxicated in the Plano area or anywhere in Collin County contact The Goolsby Law Firm , we can fully investigate your case, including looking at all the evidence that has been collected against you, for example your breathalyser test results, evidence recorded by the police dashboard video-camera, and other tests. As a former trial lawyer for the District Attorney’s office attorney Mike Goolsby knows how the criminal court system in this area functions better than any other practicing defense lawyer in the region, and will put all this experience to work for you.

If convicted of driving while intoxicated, even if it’s your first offense, you will face many serious consequences. You will lose your driving license, face possible jail time, fines, probation, mandatory community service, and enrolment in DWI school. In addition, once you get your license back, you may face surcharges and increased insurance costs that could place driving out of the financial reach of many.

One other possible consequence of being stopped and charged with driving while intoxicated is administrative license revocation or ALR, this is the process whereby your driving permit is taken away even before you face court proceedings, and for help in this matter you should contact The Goolsby Law Firm as soon as you can.

Thorough examination of your case will be required, and may involve specialized technological equipment to examine important parts of the stop, questioning, and arrest you experienced. It is important your attorney understands the rules of evidence and has trial experience so that they can take advantage of points specific to your case. We are familiar with how evidence gathered may influence any jury in a court case, this is why The Goolsby Law Firm and attorney Mike Goolsby is the best person to have on your side.

A first offense will be regarded as a misdemeanor offense, however if other factors come into play such as carrying a child under the age of 15, then this will be an automatic felony. No matter how complex your case is, even if it includes additional charges, for example aggravated assault, carrying a concealed weapon, kidnapping, etc, The Goolsby Law Firm can help, no matter what the situation we will aggressively defend your case.

If you have been charged with driving while intoxicated in the Plano area call The Goolsby Law Firm  today for a free consultation, we can answer any questions you may have either over the phone or in our office, discretion is assured.

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