McKinney Resisting Arrest Lawyer

McKinney Resisting Arrest Lawyer

Resisting arrest in Texas is considered an offense against public administration and an obstruction to government operation under the Texas Penal Code. You are considered as resisting arrest if you purposely prevented a law enforcer or police officer to make an arrest, by using physical force against such law enforcer.  Furthermore, resisting arrest means that you have not submitted to an arrest peacefully and willingly. It also involves trying to run away from a police arrest and using threatening words to the officer making the arrest. This offense is less serious than evading arrest, which involves a more elaborate escape, usually utilizing vehicle to flee and creating collateral damage.

Normally, resisting arrest offense in Texas can result to a class A misdemeanors. However, if you are caught using a dangerous weapon against an officer making the arrest, then resisting arrest becomes a felony. The outcome for resisting arrest charges can greatly affect your life. It is very important to immediately seek the advice of a defense lawyer from The Goolsby Law Firm to minimize the possible court penalty for such offense.

There are various penalties that can be implemented by the court of law for people convicted of felony resisting arrest offense.  You can be fined as much as $4000 and face jail time up to 12 months. Applying for a probation program is possible for felony resisting arrest. Average probation period for this offense is two years and the court can imposed community service.

With resisting arrest, it is not always a black and white situation because there are cases when resisting arrest is actually an action against excessive physical force that the person may experience in the hands of a police officer. In addition, the arresting officer may not have followed proper procedure that triggered panic from person being arrested, causing a violent reaction. The police can still turn the tables and charge you for resisting arrest even though, you are clearly maltreated. This is where you need the services of the skilled and experienced lawyers of The Goolsby Law Firm.

An encounter with the police can bring so much stress and emotional instability. This can cause confusion, which in turn can lead the person to react poorly and make false statements to the police. An experienced defense lawyer from The Goolsby Law Firm will take all details of the arrest into consideration and will use them to defend you in court for a more favorable judgment.

If a resisting arrest offense is escalated into a felony, then it becomes an addition to the original charges made against you. Seeking legal assistance for a felony resisting arrest is very important. If this charge is added to the original charge, then it can ruin your life. This is because you will have two felony charges made against you, which will merit very serious punishments. If you have been charged with resisting arrest in McKinney or anywhere in North Texas, Please call our office directly for a free consultation.

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