Irving Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer

Irving Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer

As we all know a criminal charge is not the same as a conviction, we are protected by the fact that we are innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, in the case of a sex crime this is not always the case. Many people accused of this emotive type of offense are demonized by the media and the local community long before any conviction occurs.

In the Irving or Dallas area experienced sex crime defense lawyer Mike Goolsby can help you if you face this type of accusation. With two decades of experience practicing law he has the expertise and knowledge to defend you against any type of sex crime allegation.

It is essential that you provide a strong defense against charges of sex crimes, for example possessing digital images of child pornography, on-line solicitation or sexual assault, and other types of Internet sex crimes. One major reason for this is that all crimes of this nature in Irving will require sex offender registration if you are convicted, and sometimes even if you are not convicted but a plea to the crime has been entered. You must realize that most sex crime registrations will last a lifetime, and will have a serious effect on you forever.

There are many different types of sex crimes you can find yourself being accused of. These include, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault (rape), prostitution, solicitation, and Internet sex crimes, solicitation of a minor, child prostitution, child pornography, indecent exposure, and others. Depending on which one, and the seriousness of the situation, you could be facing a felony or misdemeanor charge. However, all will see you being required to be included on the sex offenders register.

One other aspect of sex crime accusations, is damage to your reputation caused by media attention, this needs to be sensitively handled. In dealing with public relations and press inquiries you can be sure that this will be dealt with professionally and with discretion at all times if you contact The Goolsby Law Firm.

Building a defense following a sex crime allegation can often be tricky and involve expert witness support, specialist technical evidence gathering, forensic assistance, and other scientific aspects. It is essential that your defense attorney has the ability to do this for you. At The Goolsby Law Firm we have the assets necessary to make sure this happens in your case.

If you have been accused of an Internet sex crime in the Dallas or Irving area then contact The Goolsby Law Firm today to arrange a free consultation to discuss your case. We are aware of how hard it can be to deal with this type of accusation, but at The Goolsby Law Firm you will be offered an aggressive defense against this type of allegation, as well as protection of your reputation and standing in society.

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