Irving DWI Lawyer

Irving DWI Lawyer

Driving while intoxicated (DWI), sometimes known as driving under the influence (DUI), is a serious charge and should be treated with the utmost importance. If you find yourself in that situation you should get yourself professional legal representation as soon as possible. Whilst a first-time offense may be treated as a misdemeanor in Irving, there will still be some serious repercussions that you will have to deal with.

If you are stopped and charged with driving while intoxicated in the Irving or Dallas area contact The Goolsby Law Firm as soon as you can. We can evaluate the evidence being collected against you including the results of any tests, evidence gathered from the police dashboard video camera, and other items relating to the stop and subsequent arrest. As a former trial attorney with the District attorney’s office Mike Goolsby has experience in all matters of criminal defense as well as insider knowledge of just how the court system works in this area, he has been defending people accused of driving while intoxicated for many years, and will put all this knowledge and experience to work to strongly defend your rights.

The consequences of DWI conviction are possible jail time, probation, large fines, and loss of your driving license. Another possible and instant consequence is known as administrative license revocation or ALR this is a procedure whereby your license is taken away even before any trial or conviction, The Goolsby Law Firm can help in this matter. Even after your conviction, and any penalties are dealt with, you will still be facing increased costs for insurance, and possible surcharges to get your license back, which may place driving out of your financial reach.

A first conviction of driving while intoxicated will more often than not be treated as a misdemeanor crime. However in certain circumstances even a first offense can be treated as a felony, this is when other factors complicate your case such as carrying a child as a passenger, or other offenses committed in tandem, a strong defense can help you to guard against these sorts of accusations, evidence can be challenged, to try and minimize the charges against you.

DWI or driving while intoxicated is defined as the operation of a vehicle whilst under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicant that renders you incapable of performing the task in a safe manner, due to reduction in your physical or mental faculties as a result of alcohol and/or drugs use. To prove an allegation against you in Dallas County the state must show that you have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) equal to or greater than .08, or that you are impaired by taking drugs and unable to control your vehicle. This includes legal prescription drugs if they affect your physical and mental capabilities. You don’t necessarily have to be stopped by the police whilst driving, having the ability to drive is often all that is necessary for a conviction, for example if you are sitting behind the wheel with the keys in the ignition you may also be charged with DWI.

Many innocent people are accused of driving while intoxicated, and all too often if it’s a first offense they will just accept the conviction. However if you call The Goolsby Law Firm, attorney Mike Goolsby, will put his considerable experience and abilities to work for you to fight your case. A strong defense can help minimize the effects on your life, and get you the outcome you desire.

No matter how complex your case is, even if other matters exist such as a charge of kidnapping, unlawful carrying a weapon, assault, etc, The Goolsby Law Firm can help you. We will strenuously and aggressively defend your rights, call for a free consultation today, and we can discuss your case and options with you, confidentiality is assured.

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