Carrollton Protection Order Lawyer

Carrollton Protection Order Lawyer

Any time you are subject to a protective order (restraining order) against you by the court you will be given certain restrictions and requirements you will be required to follow. If you fail to abide by the conditions of the protective order then you may be charged with violating of protective order, in Texas a first offense will most likely be charged as a misdemeanor however in certain situations you will be facing a felony grade crime.

Protective orders are effectively a contract issued by the court that bind you to follow certain restrictions and procedures. They will stop you interfering with the person that is subject the protective order. If you disobey these conditions or restrictions you are basically disobeying the orders of a judge and this is regarded as a very serious transgression. Protective orders are most often granted in cases of family violence, stalking, or other abuse cases. There are there to protect the victim from the situation that initially cause them harm. These orders typically last for up to 2 years and if you are in jail during this time it will usually continue for up to a year after you are released.

Being accused of violating a protective order in the North Texas or Carrollton area means you are in a very serious situation. Contact The Goolsby Law Firm for help, as a prior trial attorney with the district attorney’s office criminal defense lawyer Mike Goolsby has the experience, knowledge, and expertise needed to defend you if you face this type of situation.

There are many situations where you may find yourself in violation of protective order. If you are caught with a gun, or make threats against person protected, or one of their household members, or make sure you are in a place that you will know they will be, these actions can all place you in violation. Mike Goolsby understands the intricacies of protective orders and the law surrounding them, and can help you to defend yourself if you are in this situation.

Being suspected of violation of a protective order could mean you can be arrested without warrant if a police officer believes you went near or threatened the person covered by the order. Arrest can be made based solely on a witness statement, evidence of physical harm to the victim, or your own admission of guilt. If it is believed by a judge you pose a significant risk you can be held without bail.

A first offense of violating a protective order can be punished by up to 3 years in jail, fines, and other penalties. If it is your third offense or greater you will most likely be facing felony charges and much tougher penalties. However, an accusation is not the end of the road and there are many defenses you can make, contact The Goolsby Law Firm and criminal defense lawyer Mike Goolsby for help.

In the Carrollton area if you are accused of violation of protective order call The Goolsby Law Firm today to arrange a free consultation to discuss your situation. Complete discretion and confidentiality is assured at all times.

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