Arlington Assault & Family Violence Lawyer

Arlington Assault & Family Violence Lawyer

Assault/family violence convictions will usually result in a class C misdemeanor. This level of charge can looked on as being no more serious than a traffic violation, however do not underestimate the seriousness of the situation you are facing. A conviction and having a class C misdemeanor on your criminal record can have many effects on the way you live your life, also, in certain circumstances and assault/family violence matter can be treated as a felony. The matter how serious you consider your situation to be you should get in touch with a professional criminal defense lawyer as quickly as possible.

In North Texas or Arlington area you should get in touch with The Goolsby Law Firm. Criminal defense attorney Mike Goolsby has two decades of experience, and as a prior trial attorney with the district attorney’s office is the best person to have representing you if you face this type of charge. He will use his considerable expertise and knowledge to build the best defense for you if you face assault/family violence accusations, and will do his utmost to get you the outcome you require.

Assault/family violence accusations are some of the most misused. Often this type of allegation can be used in divorce proceedings to force matters of child custody or spousal support. You should certainly not simply accept a conviction as a matter of course, attorney Mike Goolsby believes that the state must be made to prove any allegation against you to the greatest extent possible. And there are many defenses you can make against this type of allegation.

These types of charges can be difficult to prove, in Texas the state must show that actual bodily harm is caused, and this can often be difficult to show. In our experience as late as the morning of trial the prosecution may offer a class C deferred, if they feel their case is not a strong as it should be. Even a deferred ruling could have an affirmative finding attached, and experienced assault/family violence lawyer Mike Goolsby is fully aware of these tactics and the best way to handle them.

Stay-away or protective orders are a very common consequence of a conviction. These orders may stop you living with your family for a period of as long as two years. They effectively make it impossible for you to live in your own home and unable to see your children, and can be a very emotional thing to handle. In addition to this you will have a criminal record that can prevent you from renting property, getting employment, owning a gun, holding certain professional licenses, and many other consequences. In addition to this the stay-away or protective order will run for up to a year after any jail term is completed.

When called to assault/family violence situations the police will often arrest everyone at the scene. This so-called “family plan” helps to establish exactly what happened and who to charge in the relative calm of the police station. If you are questioned by the police you have the right to have your attorney present, do not put your future liberty and lifestyle in the hands of an overworked public defender that will not be able to concentrate on your defense. With an experienced defense attorney like Mike Goolsby by your side during any questioning it is often possible to get the charges reduced or in some circumstances even not filed in the first place.

If you are facing an accusation relating to assault/family violence in North Texas or Arlington area then you should call The Goolsby Law Firm to schedule a free consultation today. At The Goolsby Law Firm Mike Goolsby takes full responsibility for all clients taken on by his firm, you will be kept informed at all time of exactly what stage your case is at, and will never be handed on to an assistant or another attorney. Complete confidentiality and discretion is assured.

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