Manslaughter or Murder Charges

Facing Manslaughter or Murder Charges in Texas?

A Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help Build Your Case

A homicide happens any time someone dies due to the violent and aggressive actions of another. More than one type of homicide exists, and they each have their own ramifications and repercussions. Typically, homicide cases fall under two categories of charges: manslaughter and murder. The taking of a life is the most serious of crimes and carries with it the stiffest and most severe of penalties within the justice system. Dealing with such charges can create a great deal of stress and confusion. It can change your entire life, and you will need to explain if you were acting in self-defense, any other extenuating circumstance or if you were wrongly accused. This, however, can prove to be an arduous task, but it is not impossible with the proper help.

If you are facing manslaughter or murder charges in the state of Texas, then you will benefit most from having a Dallas criminal defense lawyer on your side. The Goolsby Law Firm stands ready to hear you out and see what we can do. For almost two decades, our firm has lowered charges and reduced sentences for clients in Dallas, Plano, Denton and throughout Texas. We draw upon our experience and knowledge of criminal law to advocate for you under the direst of circumstances. No matter the charge, we believe everyone deserves the best legal representation possible. With your life and future on the line, you owe it to yourself to have a passionate and experienced Texas criminal law firm working to turn things back around for you. We will build a strong defense for you based on the evidence and work tirelessly to achieve the best result possible.

What Constitutes a Murder Charge in Texas?

Murder charges in the state of Texas depend upon the severity and circumstances of the crime. The person who stands accused must have knowingly caused the death of another person. The state can potentially charge the person with murder if he or she intended to:

  • Cause severe bodily harm or death to another person.
  • Commit a felony (other than manslaughter) that resulted in death.

The state of Texas draws a strict distinction between murder and capital murder. Capital murder involves:

  • The killing of a police officer or firefighter
  • Being paid to kill somebody
  • Taking the life of somebody in prison
  • Killing more than one person

In Texas, capital murder can result in the execution of the accused or life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Murder (excluding capital murder) counts as a first-degree felony that can result in 5-99 years in prison and fine of up to $10,000. With the help of an experienced Dallas criminal defense lawyer, you might be able to plead insanity or allege that the murder you stand accused of was a crime of passion. This might lessen or reduce charges and penalties that you are faced with.

What Are Manslaughter Charges in Texas?

Now you might be asking yourself, “What is manslaughter?” You might also be wondering what the difference is between manslaughter and murder. Intent plays a key role in distinguishing between the two. A person with the intent to take a life or cause harm gets charged with murder. For manslaughter charges to stick in Texas, however, it must be proven that the accused caused the death of another through reckless behavior.

Please be aware that intent does not factor into manslaughter charges in Texas. In other words, the state of Texas does not distinguish between voluntary and involuntary manslaughter, as other states do. Instead, certain factors and circumstances involved in the crime affect the severity of the consequences dealt. Typically, manslaughter charges in Texas count as second-degree felonies that result in 2 to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. Intoxicated manslaughter carries with it 240 to 800 hours of mandatory community service and the possibility of jail time as well.

Questions? Call a Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer for a Free Consultation

In these trying times, you need someone in your corner. An experienced Dallas criminal defense lawyer, like Mike Goolsby, understands what you are going through. He has handled many criminal law cases and will always hear out your side of the story without bias. Mike and his legal team will investigate all the details of your case, including gathering evidence and interviewing all involved parties and experts. He will build a defense aimed at exonerating you and/or lessening or reducing the charges against you.

Call 214-296-2770 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We have physical offices in Dallas, Plano and Denton and serve residents of those cities as well as Allen, Arlington, Carrollton, Fort Worth, Irving and McKinney. Contact us today to get started on building your case.


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