Dallas Gun & Firearms Defense Lawyer

Facing an Unlawful Possession Charge in Texas?

Protect Your Rights with a Dallas Gun Possession Lawyer

Of all the states in the United States, Texas is where you can find the most lenient firearm laws. However, there are still many situations where you can need a firearm possession defense lawyer. For example, you may need to contact lawyers to defend your Second Amendment rights if you have been charged with unlawful carrying of a weapon. Furthermore, if a firearm was allegedly used in the commission of a crime, the offense will not be taken lightly. For this reason, you should contact an experienced Dallas gun possession lawyer if you face any firearm-related charges.

At the Goolsby Law Firm, our gun law lawyer has defended the accused for decades. Our success stems from our experience with possession of guns and gun law. We will protect your rights vigorously in court to get the best possible result for your charges. Whether it is in state or federal court, our Dallas gun possession lawyer can help. With a team of experts, we can scrutinize evidence and protect your best interests. Our goal is to reduce or dismiss any sentence for possession of illegal firearms you face.

What Is Criminal Possession of a Weapon?

In general, most people wonder: what qualifies as unlawful possession of a firearm? There are many circumstances that can impact the legal definition of “possession of a firearm.” Usually, these details involve your physical state, licensing and location. For example, possession of a firearm while intoxicated creates unique legal challenges, even if you have the necessary paperwork. Alternatively, possession of a firearm while on probation can involve serious penalties. If convicted, these crimes can carry a minimum mandatory prison term.

In general, criminal possession of a weapon involves intent and certification. Law enforcement may try to claim you had possession of a firearm with intent to commit a crime. In addition, prosecutors can argue you had possession of a firearm without a certificate. The court will consider many factors with your case. For instance, the judge will consider if you have a previous felony offense. A felon in possession of a firearm can face life-altering penalties. In some cases, these convictions can be counted against you under the severe Three-Strikes Law of the state. If you face these allegations, contact Texas gun right lawyers immediately.

Is Illegal Possession of a Firearm a Felony?

In some cases, illegal possession of a gun can be a felony. If you have been charged with unlawful carrying of a weapon in Texas, then it can be a misdemeanor or felony. In either case. you need to discuss your situation with a Dallas gun possession lawyer. Even if you believe the evidence against you is strong, our law firm can help. Attorney Mike Goolsby can utilize his more than 22 years of experience as a criminal defense lawyer.

Unlawful carrying of a weapon is considered to be a very serious crime in Texas. The state will exert every effort to crack down on you whenever they have the chance. Our experienced Dallas gun possession lawyer can help you in fighting for your side of the story. We can try to minimize the consequences for the offense by examining the details. In cases that we handle, we work to pursue a resolution that will dismiss or reduce the charges against you. By working with the prosecution, we can find a more sensible solution that can prevent you from being incarcerated.

Illegal Possession of a Firearm Accusation? Call Firm for a Free Consultation Now

Several circumstances can lead to a charge of illegal carrying of weapons. These could include felon in possession, unlawful carrying of weapons and possession of a weapon in bars. Unfortunately, if you are charged with using a deadly weapon to commit a crime, you face life-altering consequences. Your right to possess a gun can be suspended for several years. Our Dallas gun possession attorney can help protect your rights.

The restrictions that may be mandated by the court will depend on the particular circumstances of your case. However, The Goolsby Law Firm knows how to fight all charges related to unlawful carrying of a weapon. If you have been charged with using a deadly weapon in the commission of any crime, contact our firm. Our dedicated lawyers can come to your aid at for immediate representation. Call us today at 214-296-2770 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.


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