“Police Protection Act” to Take Effect Soon

8 years ago

What is the Police Protection Act, going into effect on September 1? On June 6, 2017, Gov. Greg Abbott signed…

How Are State Governments Reforming Criminal Justice?

8 years ago

The goal of criminal justice reform is to reduce the numbers of Americans who are kept away from society and…

Is There a Reliable Roadside Test for Marijuana Impairment?

8 years ago

There is no reliable roadside test to measure marijuana impairment. But police are trying to make one. Testing for THC…

Do I Have to Consent to a Search of My Vehicle in Texas?

8 years ago

In late July, two men in Texas were arrested after police discovered 56 pounds of marijuana and 38 pounds of…

How Social Media Can Land You in Jail

8 years ago

Social media is a powerful tool, and not just for sharing photos of food. Police (and prosecutors) are increasingly using…

Heat-Related Illnesses in Texas Prisons a Huge Problem

8 years ago

Are inmates in danger of heat-related illnesses in Texas? The answer is an overwhelming yes. U.S. District Judge Keith Ellison…

Will a New Law Keep You Out of Jail for Failure to Pay Court-Ordered Fees?

8 years ago

The Texas state legislature is taking steps to curtail the practice of jailing those who can’t pay court-ordered bills. Once…

Is Revenge Porn Domestic Violence?

8 years ago

The topic of revenge porn has been a hot button issue in light of the drama between Rob Kardashian and…

Wrongful Prosecutions and Convictions Could Number in the Thousands

8 years ago

Is there a problem in America’s crime labs? We know Texas crime labs have had their issues in recent years,…

New Texas Law Allows Separate Courts for Police Who Commit Crimes

8 years ago

The Texas legislature recently passed a law that would allow counties to create separate diversion courts for certain police officers…

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