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What if I Am Charged With Aggravated Assault?

There are many forms of aggravated assault, including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, shooting someone, using an object to hurt someone such as a hammer, a board, a bat, or even a car, if you run over somebody, or even just bump them with a car. Goolsby works to take his cases from an aggravated stance, if going to trial he wants to make sure that you know they will try to exclude as much they can through different avenues as many different avenues as they can. For example, a deadly weapon finding can carry a much heavier punishment than if those things weren’t present.

Video Transcription:
Well, an aggravated assault can take many forms there’s aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, which is what you usually see and that’s what you usually think of us an aggravated assault. It can be from something that makes common sense, like you shoot somebody, had a case just recently where a guy shot his girlfriend with an ak-47. Not a good move, at least if you want to stay out of jail. And it could be also something, could be any type of one, could be a hammer, it could be a board, a bat, actually some people don’t know this but a car if you run over somebody with a car even if it’s just bumping them. That can be aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, so one of the things that we want to try to do is take it from that aggravated stance, or even remove the deadly weapon finding because there’s issues as far as jail time or probation that are associated with those offenses and actually even in trial, if we go to trial we want to make sure that you know we want to try to exclude as much that through different avenues as we can. You know let’s just say we go to trial and we were to lose, we want to try to keep that deadly weapon finding the aggravated portion off because it would carry much less, much less of a punishment than if those things were present. To speak to lawyer call us at the Goolsby Law Firm, our telephone number is 214-296-2770, we’ll get you in for a free consultation.

The Goolsby Law Firm

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