Criminal mischief is an offense where some amount of damage was done to property or someone else. It could be the case of someone scraping a car with a key, or spray-painting on a building. Those examples could be considered criminal mischief, in which cases a witness is usually needed. This is because somebody needs to see that it’s done and that you had the intent to do it. The penalties for criminal mischief can vary, you can be arrested, may have to go through the bonds process, hire a lawyer, and go to court.
Criminal mischief is an offense where you basically damage something. You get a lot of these, somebody scrapes a car with a key, or they spray-paint on a building, it could be considered criminal mischief and it could be considered other things as well. But it’s basically if you do damage to the property of someone else, that’s criminal mischief and it is one of those offenses where they really need a witness. Typically because somebody needs to see that it’s done and that you had the intent to do it. So I’m not talking about opening your car accidentally and, you know, dinging somebody’s car. There was no intent to do that, what I’m talking about is somebody you know scrapes the side of your car with the key or they, you know, throw rocks at your house and break a window. Those types of things is what would be considered that offense. The penalties for criminal mischief can vary typically. You’re gonna be arrested and it could be any level of offense because it’s based on the dollar amount of the actual damage done. You go get arrested, you got to go through the bonds process, get a, hire a lawyer, you’re gonna go to court, and at that point something will have to be worked out on your case. Doesn’t mean you get a plea bargain case because if you didn’t do it or you want the DA’s to prove it you go to trial in the case. And they’ve got to prove everything beyond a reasonable doubt. To speak to a lawyer call us at the Goolsby law firm. Our telephone number’s 214-296-2770, we’ll get you in for a free consultation.
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